Every Project Touchline programme takes place in school over a six week period.

We are in school on the same day of the week for six whole days. We lead Collective Worship every week in the morning which involves the whole school and Year 6 worship leaders. The focus in the Collective Worship will be on your school values, scripture and sport. Then we normally take four PE/Sport sessions during the day. There is a time of prayerful reflection the school values at the beginning and end of each session. There is an aspiration to plant a Lunchtime Prayer Club from Week 2.

All the PE/Sport is progressive, exciting and fun and is designed for the children to live out their school values and show them during the sport. The programme consists of twenty games that teach the skills to play the sports but allow for the values to be shown as the main priority.

Creative Artwork is completed in Week 4 which allows the children to reflect and create some stunning artwork featuring their own experience of the programme.

Collective Worship


Creative Artwork

Prayer Club
